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General Evaluator

Being the General Evaluator improves critical thinking, organization, time management, motivational, and team-building skills. The General Evaluator oversees the preparation of the evaluation team, which includes the Speech Evaluators, Ah-Counter, Grammarian, and Timer.

In addition, the General Evaluator works with the Toastmaster to arrange the meeting’s agenda. During the meeting, the General Evaluator hosts the evaluation section and provides an overall evaluation of everything that takes place during the club meeting.

1-2 Weeks Prior to the Meeting

  • Obtain agenda from Vice President of Education (VPE)

  • Keep in touch with the Toastmaster of the Day (TMoD) as they confirm speakers

  • Call or email the evaluation team (Speech Evaluators, Ah-Counter, Grammarian, and Timer) to confirm their roles

  • Advise the evaluation team on how to be the most effective

1 Week Prior to the Meeting

  • As the TMoD confirms speakers, assign them speech evaluators

    • Whenever possible, more experienced speakers should be assigned more experienced evaluators

      • To match experience levels, it is sometimes easier to wait until all speakers are confirmed before assigning speech evaluators. Use your best judgement.​

    • Suggest that each evaluator call or email their speaker to talk over any special evaluation requests for their speech.​

  • Prepare a brief explanation (3 minutes max) of your role, what it entails, and why it’s important​

    • Emphasize that evaluation is a positive, helping act to help people overcome weak habits and add power to good ones

3-5 Days Before Meeting

  • Speak with the Grammarian to obtain the word of the day

  • Put the word of the day on the agenda

  • Speak with the TMoD to learn the time for each speaker

  • Share the time of each speaker with the Timer

1-2 Days Before Meeting

  • Remind the evaluation team of their commitment to the meeting

  • If anyone drops their role, work with vice president of education to fill the role

During the Meeting

  • Arrive to the meeting early

  • Greet all evaluators. If an evaluator is not present, consult with the TMoD to find a substitution.

  • Verify each speaker’s time and notify the timer of any changes

  • Give your prepared explanation of your role

  • Allow the Ah-Counter, Grammarian, and Timer to introduce their roles

  • Take notes on any and all aspects of the meeting you notice.

    • Were there distractions that could have been avoided? 

    • Did the meeting, and each segment of it, begin and end on time?

    • Look for good and less than desirable example of preparation, organization, delivery, enthusiasm, observation, and general performance of duties.

  • During the evaluation portion of the meeting, guide the transitions between Speech Evaluators, Ah-Counter, Grammarian, and Timer.

  • Prepare and deliver your General Evaluators Report

    • You can evaluate any aspect of the meeting and anyone’s roles​

    • Focus on both strengths and areas of improvement

    • Practice time management skills by tailoring the length of your report to the time available in the meeting.

  • Have Fun!​

    • Remember Toastmasters is a safe place to fail and the group learns by doing. It's okay to make mistakes!​

    • Don't be afraid to ask questions! The Vice President Education, any member of the executive board, and the Toastmaster of the Day will be happy to help you.


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